There are few things as delicious as Chick-Fil-A chicken! What could be better than enjoying a delicious chicken sandwich while the kids wear themselves out on industrial strength playground equipment?
Well, our family has used some of the money that we would have used to go out to eat to buy chickens in Zimbabwe.
Shepherd Zhou and Joyous Christian Church have built two chicken coups that the new congregation is using to raise chickens. Members of the church who need work are paid to help raise the chicks, with part of the proceeds going to help with cash needs of operating a church. $3.00 pays for a chick and all the food necessary to reach full size for sale. The full size chickens are sold for $6.00. (Live chickens are more popular in many parts of Zimbabwe because they do not require refrigeration).
Shepherd Zhou builds a chicken coop on new land owned by Joyous Christian Church
So for the cost of a meal for a single person at Chick-Fil-A you can buy two chickens ($6) and that donation is doubled by the time the two chickens are sold ($12)! You can help a new church plant, give struggling members of the church a chance to work, and spread the joy of fried chicken all at the same time!
The Lawson family has already sponsored more than 100 chickens, you can join us on this project by sending money to:
Checks can be made out to Eudo (with Chickens in the memo line please). All donations are tax deductible. Please send checks to:
2 Brians Road, Greenville, SC 29607
P.S. The cute kid holding the baby chick in the photo at the top? That's Sherman, Shepherd's youngest child. And he's adorable.